Website selling in-person and virtual classes in data visualization. Services offered in 6 regions and 6 currencies. WooCommerce handling signups, availability and payments. Orders sync with pipedrive and invoices are automatically created in Xero thru zapier.
Designs by the Matterhorn Digital agency.
- courses have limited seats that require tracking
- different courses in different languages and currencies
- manual invoices are tedious and result in human error or missed opportunities
- manual tracking of free seats is erroneous
- create a website showcasing the full offering and team
- create an ecommerce solution to enable online signups and payments
- track free seats
- sync orders with pipedrive CRM
- trigger invoicing in Xero
- new woocommerce website covering all 6 regions
- zapier based automation to sync orders with pipedrive
- zapier based automation to generate invoices based on approved signups in pipedrive
- sales reports for each region and currency