Step 1 (1 week): Deep Dive Session, Salesforce analysis and Data Mapping

Analyzed all objects and their properties in Salesforce. Created a data mapping sheet showing how those Salesforce items will be stored in pipedrive.
In this specific case, there was little work since Salesforce has not been used extensively and a bit wrong, as often is the case with basic and unguided setups.
Step 2 (2 days): Outline Lead and Deal Workflows
Created a flow chart outlining the full customer journey from initial enquiry to signing of the contract. Completed and approved the chart with the client to ensure we got all the details right.
Step 3 (3 days): Analyze Lead Data in Emails

Analyzed all the different lead channels, with lead data in emails. Since these were never standardized, we extended our data mapping sheet by a variety of additional fields.
Standardized how all those data points are stored in pipedrive, ensuring a unified format for all leads and channels.
Step 4 (2 weeks): Implement the Automation Blueprint

First part was to automate lead generation from the aforementioned emails. This immediately improved the conversion because even a minute spent on manually entering each of the 4000 monthly leads translates to ~60 hours saved each month with a fully automated process.
Second part was to automate the email qualification and follow-up process. Main objective was to ensure sales teams only work with active leads, meaning all non-responsive leads are automatically removed from the pipeline.
This was done with pipedrive’s workflow automation since its an ideal and free tool for such scenarios.analysis and integration of Ivoris in HubSpot. Sync of patient and appointment data, since that’s the only information API of Ivoris allows access to.
Step 5 (3 Day): Migrate Data from Salesforce
Collected and migrated the entire database of 80K+ contacts from Salesforce, preserving the ownership among the team. This was especially important since all new leads from existing contacts should be assigned to sales people who already worked with them.
Step 6 (1 Day): Online Appointments

Online meeting scheduling: automatic requests to book the next appointment online. For every type of appointment during the treatment, ie. doctor visit, bracket installation, check-ins every two months, treatment closure meeting.
Shifting opening times: make sure all online appointments follow the shifting schedule of opening times for each office, i.e. Mon-Wed this week, Thu-Fri next week and so on.
Shifting opening times: make sure all online appointments follow the shifting schedule of opening times for each office, i.e. Mon-Wed this week, Thu-Fri next week and so on.
Step 7 (1 Week): Automatic Contract Generation

Using the SmartDocs feature of pipedrive, we were able to drastically reduce time spent on preparing and signing the contract once a sale has been confirmed. From fully manual process involving printing and signing the contract by the client to fully automated, esigning process through emails. This simple automation reduced the final stage of the contract singing to just 1 day from 3.
A great project in many ways, definitely one of the favorites of 2023.
Great success in reducing cost and increasing sales because:
Technically savvy team that was ready to take action. CRM setups depend on the people who use them.
Salesforce was simply too much for the requirements. With pipedrive, running costs were reduced to a fifth.
Easy communication with the team and other providers. We communicated directly with the team and other service providers, which reduced back-and-forth and implementation time.
Large volumes of leads = big savings through automation. Since most of the manual steps were eliminated, it resulted in a massive reduction in time per lead. With 4K leads per month, it quickly added up to dozens of hours per month.
Great success in reducing cost and increasing sales because:
Technically savvy team that was ready to take action. CRM setups depend on the people who use them.
Salesforce was simply too much for the requirements. With pipedrive, running costs were reduced to a fifth.
Easy communication with the team and other providers. We communicated directly with the team and other service providers, which reduced back-and-forth and implementation time.
Large volumes of leads = big savings through automation. Since most of the manual steps were eliminated, it resulted in a massive reduction in time per lead. With 4K leads per month, it quickly added up to dozens of hours per month.